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Most common questions

What happens if you are running a sale and I apply a coupon?

No matter what sale we are running, we'll always ensure that you receive the highest discount possible here at Diamond CBD. We always honor the highest promotion to ensure you get the most savings. For example, if we're running a 45% OFF sale, and you have a coupon for 50% OFF, we will always honor your coupon.

However, we do not allow customers to stack coupons and promotions. So, in the example above, you cannot add your 50% OFF coupon to the 45% OFF sale for 95% OFF (though it would be nice!). In that situation, the highest of the two discounts will be applied to your final bill. 

If we run a Buy 1 Get 1 FREE (BOGO) sale, and you have a coupon for 55% OFF, we'll honor the 55% OFF instead of the BOGO sale. This is because a BOGO is, essentially, a promotion for 50% OFF two products, which is trumped by the 55% OFF coupon. As previously stated, the highest of the two discounts will be applied to your final bill. 

As a reminder, Gift Cards are exempt from all promotions and coupons. Happy shopping!

Other questions

How often do you run sales and promotions?

We run sales and promotions constantly so check back often.

What type of coupons do you accept?

We only accept in-house coupons from our company. We do not accept third-party coupons or coupons from any other company.

When do I enter my discount or coupon code?

Coupon codes are always entered and applied prior to making final payment. Once final payment is made a coupon cannot be applied after the fact, so please be careful when entering any codes.

Do you allow for coupon stacking? In other words, can I use more than one coupon at a time?

No, customers may only take advantage of one coupon, promotion, or discount at a time, and may not stack any or all of the above.

Am I able to use a coupon more than once? Do your coupons expire?

It depends on the promotion. While the bulk of our coupons are both time sensitive and for one use only, there may be some exceptions. You should assume that your coupon will expire and cant be used more than once unless otherwise noted. Please check our website or with customer service for more information on specific coupons.

What do I do if my discount code expired?

Although your discount code has expired, we come out with new discounts weekly. Be on the lookout for future discount codes! If you're ever experiencing trouble purchasing with a discount code don't hesitate to contact us.

If a promotion is out of stock can I receive a raincheck for it? Can I save it for later when its back in stock?

No, as most of our promotions are time sensitive. A sale is only for the specified time period regardless of whether or not a product is in stock.

What other limitations are there on your coupons?

Our coupons are limited to one per customer, per sale. Any attempts to reuse a coupon or discount code via multiple accounts or addresses will render any all discounts invalid and will result in a canceled order.